Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Half Day of Intimacy with God-First Portion

Psalm 84 and Psalm 145. Personalize them in praise to God.
Have I told my Father that I love Him just for Himself, not for what He does for me?
Be still and know that He is God. Reflect on His goodness to you. Tell Him you love Him because of who He is. Tell Him that you want to love Him more and know Him
Worship Him.

Monday, March 3, 2008

"People of Mobility"

Good morning my Beloved Prayer Warriors. I pray each of you have been desperately seeking Jesus. To know Him better. To hear His voice. I pray you are sitting at His feet. I am excited as we set out on this next adventure that the Lord has for us. Here are a few of my notes from last nights meeting:

"To be people of mobility" (most of this is from a sermon given by Kelley Greene)

  • To be people of mobility we first must move towards Jesus.
  • John 15:15, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his masters' business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything I learned from my Father I have made known to you."
  • We are not Jesus' people doing His to do list. We are His friends. Jesus invites us into a friendship with Him.
  • When you love just want to be close to that person...The invitation is for us to fall in love with Jesus.
  • We need to move towards Jesus. Being people of mobility is falling more in love with Jesus first. We have to be at His feet first.
  • Once we are at His feet, our hearts are in tune with Jesus. We begin to see things the way Jesus does. When we have the heart of the Lord, we will move towards the poor. We will move towards the oppressed.
  • Our hearts shift from doing things because we have to--we no longer go on mission trips because we feel like we have to "to be the better Christian." We do them because we love Jesus. Because Jesus is our friend.
  • So where are you running to? Stop. Move towards Jesus. Move towards His feet. Fall in love with Him....then go.
  • Last night you were given information about the mission were presented with all the information that you could possibly want. Stop. Pray. Listen. Sit at His feet. Then respond.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pray for you by name this week. If you did not sign up on the prayer sheet, please let me know you are praying, so that I may pray for you by name. We will corporately respond in a prayer meeting on Sunday, March 9th at 7:30pm. I look forward to hearing what the Lord as shown you as you sat at His feet!